The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has had to deal with criticism
about her appearance since the beginning of her career. Khloe has been
constantly compared to her sisters Kourtney and Kim Kardashian, having
previously spoken about how being called the "fat sister" affected her.
the years, like most people, Khloe's appearance has changed remarkably. And
because of this, there has been speculation that Khloe has had some cosmetic
tweaks or been editing her photos. Recently, Khloe came under fire for
perpetuating the same beauty standards that she has previously complained
about after she battled to get an unedited bikini photo removed from the
Speaking to Andy Cohen on Sunday night's (June 20) Keeping Up
With The Kardashians reunion episode, Khloe said her sisters received
"blatant" preferential treatment because of the way they looked. She also
opened up about her ongoing body issues, surgical procedures and the false
claims she hears about herself.
She explained: "Everyone says,
'Oh my gosh, she’s had her third face transplant.' But I’ve had one nose job
– Dr. Raj Kinodia – and everyone gets so upset, like, 'Why don’t I talk
about it?' No one's ever asked me. You're the first person in an interview
that’s ever asked me about my nose."
Khloe didn't reveal when she
had the procedure. However, in 2018, she told a fan she she was too "scared"
to get a nose job and only uses contour products. Khloe also confessed that
she's had injections, but not Botox, because she's "responded horribly to
Andy then questioned if the rumours that Robert Kardashian was
not Khloe's father had an affect on the way Khloe feels about her
appearance. Khloe, who is half Armenian, is lighter skinned and haired than
her sisters and a lot taller. She said: "I've heard that narrative since
I’ve been a baby. By people saying, questioning always, 'I can’t be their
equal sibling,' it’s because of appearance – it’s not because of [genetics].
So that’s the part that’s always stung."
Kris Jenner and Kim then
addressed the rumours, revealing that they'd discovered Khloe actually had a
higher percentage of Armenian ancestry than her sisters during a genetic
She continued: "When the show first started, I was very secure,
very secure... And then during the first couple seasons, I became insecure
because of the public opinions of myself. Then I had, I think, a good run of
being secure, and then I think recently I’ve become now insecure again. So I
guess it just goes, you know, up and down."