This is the shocking image of an Angelina Jolie lookalike in Iran who has had up to 50 plastic surgery ops.
But instead of receiving
support, the troubled 22-year-old was arrested for blasphemy and paraded on
state TV.
Sahar Tabar was held up by broadcaster IRTV2 as an
example of how “the madness to become famous on social media has ruined a
real life”.
Sahar, from Tehran, admitted her gaunt-faced
Instagram posts were also the result of make-up and photo editing.
The interview drew criticism from some viewers in Iran who saw
it as a humiliating staged confession.
The TV channel noted she
was the only child of a divorced couple, and that she “could have been in
university by now” without her “strange” online persona and fame.
added: “My childhood dream was to be famous.”
She was arrested
earlier this month on a string of charges including blasphemy, inciting
violence, gaining income through inappropriate means, and encouraging
corruption among the young.
Sahar was detained on the orders of Tehran’s guidance court,
which deals with “cultural crimes and social and moral corruption”, reports
Her Instagram account shows pictures of her eerie face to
more than 50,000 followers.