Michael Jackson's nephew Taj said he reached a breaking point with Chris
Rock, accusing the comedian of being a "bully" and using his famous family
as "punching bags" for a laugh.

Rock went into his jokes about the King Of Pop after explaining how he is all for "social justice" and marginalized people getting their rights, adding that he does, however, take personal issue with "the selective outrage" that he's noticed amongst the masses.
"You know what I'm talking about! One person does something and gets canceled, and somebody else does the exact same thing … Nothing!" he continued.
"Like the kind of people that play Michael Jackson songs, but won't play R. Kelly," Rock exclaimed. "Same crime! One of 'em just got better songs. I play [Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'] and it's a party, but I play Bump and Grind and you an activist."
MJ was repeatedly accused of child molestation over the years, but was not convicted. A jury deliberated for 30 hours before acquitting the music icon in a molestation case back in 2005.
The Billie Jean hitmaker died in 2009 at age 50, and the sexual abuse claims have continued.
Celebrity choreographer Wade Robson also sued in 2013, claiming that Michael abused him for nearly a decade, but the judge dismissed it, ruling that MJ's estate and the companies it controls are not liable for his alleged childhood sexual abuse.