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Prince Harry’s ‘destructive and self-destructive’ behavior ‘exasperating’ pals

Prince Harry’s ‘destructive and self-destructive’ behavior ‘exasperating’ pals

Prince Harry has come under fire for allegedly attempting to ‘punish’ anyone that dares to ‘punish’ anyone that ‘contradicts’ his toxic and paranoid narrative.

Royal commentator and expert Sarah Vine issued these accusations.

She warns “There have been countless times where Harry’s petulance and stubbornness have won the day, where those less confident, more easily intimidated — or just perhaps generally more in awe of his royal status — have given in.”

“Old school pals, former Army colleagues, friends of the family, people he grew up around who have loved him since he was a little boy. Mere observers, such as myself.”

“And, of course, members of his own family. All of us, exasperated by Harry’s destructive — and self-destructive — behaviour.”

“Individuals, old and young, who have tried at various times to talk some sense into him, to save him from himself — and who appear to have been systematically shut out of his life, as if punished for daring to contradict his increasingly toxic and paranoid narrative.”

“And where has it got him? Up a creek without a paddle, that’s where.”

“Because if the Coronation showed us anything at all about the future of the royal family, it’s that Harry is not in any meaningful sense a part of it.”

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