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Maitre D’ Accuses Meghan Markle of Harassment Over Unbuttoned Shirt

Maitre D’ Accuses Meghan Markle of Harassment Over Unbuttoned Shirt

Former Schoolmate Alleges Meghan Markle Harassed Him by Wearing Unbuttoned Shirt; Past Behavior Allegations Resurface. Young Metro D reports that Meghan allegedly harassed him by donning unbuttoned shirts, sitting on his lap, and seeking intimate contact.

U.S. reality star Neymar Vand asserted that the Duchess of Sussex played with his emotions during their high school days, well before her journey to love and her union with Prince Harry. Neymar recounted their shared attendance at a twin school to Meghan's.

Speaking on a podcast, he recounted, "She was well aware of her actions; she expertly toyed with our feelings. During a party, she once sat on my lap, bringing us nose to nose. For a 16-year-old, that was an intense moment. In Farsi, she said, 'You're so beautiful,' and when I questioned her Farsi skills, she quipped, 'I learned it from you,' before departing."

Neymar disclosed that not all of his acquaintances held positive recollections of Meghan. He underscored that not everyone viewed the former actress's past through a positive lens. He revealed that Meghan displayed irksome and seemingly inconsiderate behavior toward several men in her life.

One of Meghan's renowned photographs depicts her embracing a young man with his shirt casually unbuttoned. This image has garnered scrutiny and criticism from her former associates. To celebrate her graduation from Northwestern University in 2003, Meghan enjoyed a night out in Chicago with friends. A snapshot from that evening captured her alongside an attractive man believed to be the bar's maitre d'.

Claims suggest that she has a tendency to capture photographs with attractive staff members in the hopes of garnering attention and potential dates. Allegedly, the individual featured in the photograph felt harassed by Meghan's actions and now experiences unease when college girls frequent the establishment.

Another purported photograph of Meghan emerged during a 7 News Australia Spotlight special. The image depicts a younger Meghan at a dinner table, laughter gracing her features, with her hair slightly disheveled. Deliberately, she is seen tucking a napkin into the shirt of another attractive waiter, prompting him to retrieve it in exchange for another napkin.

Furthermore, a questionable website, purportedly linked to ISIS, released a video that alleges to showcase Meghan topless during a vacation, accompanied by a collection of topless photographs. While Meghan has denied the authenticity of these images, an inside source asserts their legitimacy.

Meghan's romantic history, including her previous marriage, has raised eyebrows among many. Her divorce from producer Trevor Engelson in 2013, after a mere two-year union, continues to invite speculation. According to Andrew Morton, biographer of Princess Diana, Markle abruptly terminated her first marriage, leaving Engelson bewildered and heartbroken.

As Meghan's past garners attention, her bond with Prince Harry remains a focal point, as they continue navigating their lives under the scrutiny of the public eye.

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