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Harry and Meghan Markle, all parallels with Eduardo and Wallis Simpson

Harry and Meghan Markle, all parallels with Eduardo and Wallis Simpson

The couple, who are said to be currently going through a crisis, have historically been compared to the former British king and his wife

They already said it in The Crown: there are two types of Windsor, the good ones and the black sheep. It was the abdication of King Edward, one of those weeds of the British Royal Family, that made first George VI and then his daughter Elizabeth II come to the throne. That monarch who lasted a little less than a year rejected the crown because he wanted to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorced American. Therefore, comparisons with Harry and Meghan are more than easy.

Throughout these years since Harry began his relationship with the American actress and divorcee Meghan Markle, the memory of Eduardo and Wallis has remained very alive. At first, as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex approached their wedding in May 2018, it seemed that theirs would be a love story with a happy ending, that the British Royal Family had modernized and that it had learned of the mistakes of the past.

The best connections

However, circumstances prevailed. That first interview in which Meghan admitted that no one had asked her how she was doing after being a mother, she showed the first cracks in the perfect image of royalty. And from there everything went downhill and without brakes until, to this day, the Dukes of Sussex live in Montecito (California) completely away from Buckingham.

In the mecca of cinema they have known how to interact with all types of actors, celebrities and powerful people. Also wealthy people like Nacho Figueras, the polo player with whom Harry is currently traveling in Japan. Another example is Oprah Winfrey, who was offered her famous interview in 2021.

Eduardo and Wallis also offered a controversial interview

Edward, Duke of Windsor, and Wallis Simpson lived in the same way. His exile, more or less chosen, was between France, in the Château Le Bois in Paris, the United States, Spain and Portugal. In all their destinations, which they chose depending on the climate and time, they also lived very well connected with the elites. They also spent long periods in the United States and were considered true celebrities.

Very likely if Netflix had existed they would have also offered them a documentary. In fact, the interview they gave in 1970 was a real success, although in their case they had had 34 years to think about what they would say on television. Twelve million people saw those first statements by Eduardo and Wallis, the same number of people who saw Meghan and Harry with Oprah in 2021.

Same accusations

Like Meghan, Wallis was also always accused of being a climber. She has vilely organized to conquer a prince to rise in the social class. It is a very typical feature of patriarchal society to think that women are manipulative. In both marriages, crisis was also discussed very regularly. Now, precisely, there is speculation that Prince Harry and his wife may be going through a major slump in their relationship.

Because of their way of life, they were also called freeloaders and were accused of not wanting to work. Eduardo and Wallis did not have the opportunity that Harry and Meghan have had to produce multiplatform content for global consumption. Of course, the former king was offered a job for the crown: he was governor of the Bahamas during World War II, although due to fear of the Royal House of his apparent sympathy for the Nazis.

Another big difference for Meghan and Harry is that they did have a family, which Eduardo and Wallis never did. The British prince has had two children with the actress, while the former king never had children.

It is also worth noting the difference in her character: while Wallis always remained in a discreet background, it seems that Meghan is not afraid to take the lead. Times have changed, and a woman with independence and authority does not have to be frowned upon. The actress was seen last week at one of Taylor Swift's concerts in Los Angeles while Prince Harry was in Japan with his friends. Without a doubt, they are more modern.

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