Meg Bellamy, who played the role of young Kate Middleton in the popular Netflix series, has reportedly been approached by the luxury brand to become the new face of Dior. This development follows Meghan Markle's reported loss of the opportunity, adding to the complexities of her career in the entertainment industry.
The irony of the situation is underscored by the fact that Meg Bellamy is playing the role of Kate Middleton, with whom Meghan Markle has had a well-documented rift. The tension between the two sisters-in-law escalated when Meghan accused Kate of making her cry days before her wedding during a 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey.
According to sources, multiple fashion brands are eager to collaborate with Meg Bellamy due to her portrayal of Prince William's wife in the globally acclaimed drama, The Crown. The situation adds a layer of complexity to Meghan Markle's career aspirations, emphasizing the competitive nature of the entertainment and fashion industries.