This revelation adds an intriguing layer to the situation. Meghan, once a prominent figure in Suits, now finds herself excluded from a reunion that should evoke nostalgia. The speculated reason for her exclusion revolves around her secondary role in the show and a potential reluctance to share the limelight and microphone with former colleagues.
The irony is highlighted by the suggestion that Meghan might have to settle for a virtual cameo on Zoom, limited to a brief five-minute appearance. The once-powerful figure now appears to face a significant decline.
Fans have expressed their opinions in the comments section, with some noting the absence of Meghan in an advertisement showcasing the Suits cast on Peacock. Others argue that Suits lacks the iconic status of shows like Friends or The X-Files, emphasizing that Meghan's efforts to insert herself into the reunion may be driven by a desire to maintain relevance.
Critics assert that Suits, prior to Meghan's involvement, was a show of mediocre quality without global recognition. Meghan's attempt to be part of the reunion is seen by some as a deliberate effort to assert importance in a show that achieved prominence primarily after her entry. The controversy surrounding her exclusion adds a layer of complexity to Meghan's post-royal endeavors.