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Kate Middleton's Health Concerns: Royal Expert Discusses Gravity of Surgery

Kate Middleton's Health Concerns: Royal Expert Discusses Gravity of Surgery

The gravity of Kate Middleton's recent surgery was underscored by Kensington Palace's announcement that the Princess of Wales would undergo a ten to fourteen-day hospital stay.

Royal commentator Michael Cole, in a discussion with GB News, acknowledged the Princess's youth and fitness but stressed that the official statement from the Palace implies a "not trivial" situation. Cole went on to describe the matter concerning Kate's health as "quite serious."

"She has very conscientiously added in that quite full statement from Kensington Palace, much more so than one would have perhaps expected on another occasion," Cole remarked.

Highlighting the extended hospital stay, Cole pointed out that modern practices often aim to get patients back on their feet as soon as possible, making the duration indicative of the severity of the Princess's condition.

For those unfamiliar with the situation, the Princess of Wales underwent a "planned abdominal surgery" at The London Clinic, with Kensington Palace's official statement confirming the success of the procedure. The statement also noted that, based on current medical advice, Princess Kate is unlikely to resume public duties until after the Easter period.

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