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Prince Harry Displays Solemn Demeanor Amidst Controversy Surrounding Lilibet's Name Claims

Prince Harry Displays Solemn Demeanor Amidst Controversy Surrounding Lilibet's Name Claims

In his first photographed appearance since the revelation that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry reportedly left Queen Elizabeth II displeased over naming their daughter Princess Lilibet in 2021, the Duke of Sussex appeared downcast.

Despite the brisk January weather, the 39-year-old royal was spotted jogging in Santa Barbara, California, clad in a black jacket and matching shorts. His facial expression reflected seriousness and a frown, hinting at the gravity of the situation.

This post-workout sighting followed closely after the disclosure in Robert Hardman's new biography, titled "Charles III: New King, New Court. The Inside Story." The book alleges that Queen Elizabeth did not endorse the decision and was purportedly furious with Harry and Meghan Markle, especially after they claimed to have received her blessing for their daughter Lilibet’s name.

A member of the Queen's staff reportedly mentioned that she was 'as angry as I'd ever seen her' when Harry and Meghan publicly asserted they would not have used her private family nickname if she had not been 'supportive.'

Expressing her dismay, the Queen allegedly told aides, 'I don't own the palaces, I don't own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they've taken that.'

For context, Lilibet was the Queen's childhood nickname, affectionately used by her father and Prince Philip.

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