In an interview with the Mirror, Lynn Carratt from Press Box PR shared her insights into the ongoing controversy surrounding the Sussexes' choice of name for their daughter and its alleged impact on the Queen.
Carratt highlighted Meghan's pre-birth registration of the domain "Lilibet Diana" in 2021, a move that reportedly fueled dissatisfaction from Harry's grandmother.
According to Carratt, the couple could have "handled things very differently." She expressed the opinion that if the Queen had communicated her disapproval of the name to Harry, he might have convinced Meghan to make a change.
"It appears the name was chosen with good intentions, irrespective of any controversy surrounding it," the PR expert explained. However, she acknowledged the growing weariness among the public due to constant negative stories about the royal family.
Royal author Robert Hardman recently disclosed the late monarch's reaction to the naming in his book about King Charles III. Citing a palace aide, Hardman claimed that the Queen was "as angry as ever as I’d ever seen her" when the former royals revealed the name.
In response to the controversy, a spokesperson for the couple reiterated that the Duke had consulted his family before the announcement, with the Queen being the first family member he called. The spokesperson asserted that if the Queen had not been supportive, they would not have used the name "Lilibet."