Amidst a brewing crisis surrounding his US visa, Prince Harry finds himself embroiled in controversy following revelations about his past drug use in his memoir, "Spare," published in January 2023.
Meghan Markle, Harry's wife and the Duchess of Sussex, had reportedly cautioned him against publicly discussing his experiences with marijuana, cocaine, and psychedelic mushrooms.
Royal biographer Angela Levin voiced strong criticism of Harry's decision to include these personal anecdotes, describing it as a serious misjudgment. “Harry's choice to disclose his drug history in 'Spare' was ill-advised,” Levin remarked on GB News. “It defies common sense to expose oneself in such a manner.”
Levin further questioned Meghan's involvement, stating, “It's baffling that Meghan didn't thoroughly review the manuscript. She explicitly warned him against these disclosures, anticipating potential fallout. Why would he take such a risk?”
Speculating on the reasons behind Harry's decision, Levin suggested external pressures might have influenced him to share these intimate details.
Adding to his woes, The Heritage Foundation is pushing for the release of Harry's immigration records, raising questions about the accuracy of his visa application.
Levin highlighted Harry's mounting anxiety, noting his apprehension over potential damaging disclosures and his uncertainty about what lies ahead.