Amidst the struggles of his cancer battle, King Charles faces a betrayal by a trusted aide within the Palace.
Recent events within the Palace unveil a significant blow suffered by King Charles at the hands of a close aide.
According to Charlotte Griffith, editor-at-large at The Mail on Sunday, the 75-year-old monarch was deceived into granting approval for the appointment of his colleague, Peter O’Donoghue, to a senior post at the College of Arms, orchestrated by Garter King of Arms, David White.
"This deception echoes tactics of the Middle Ages, sparking turmoil behind closed doors," reveals an insider.
"Some suspect David White's covert agenda aimed at manipulating Charles to secure his favored candidate," continues the source.
"David failed to grasp the King's vulnerability in that moment, disregarding proper procedures," they add.
"During his treatment in London, the King deserves privacy and respect," asserts another insider.
As the Garter King of Arms, White holds influence over matters of heraldry and royal ceremonies, now shadowed by suspicion.