Princess Kate, a beloved figure within the British royal family, recently made a candid admission about her journey into royalty, revealing that she faced some initial challenges while adjusting to her new role.
Despite her emergence as a prominent and admired royal figure, Kate Middleton confessed to encountering difficulties at the beginning of her royal journey, even becoming the subject of teasing.
In an interview with the BBC commemorating the late Queen's 90th birthday, the Duchess of Cambridge reflected on her early days as a member of the royal family, recalling her apprehension during her first official engagement without Prince William.
"The most memorable engagement for me, I suppose, was an away day to Leicester, and I went without William, so I was rather apprehensive about that," Kate shared.
She candidly admitted to struggling with the art of "walkabouts," a royal tradition of engaging with the public during official visits. Kate confessed, "I think there is a real art to walkabouts. Everyone teases me in the family that I spend far too long chatting, so I think I've still got to learn a little bit more and pick up a few more tips, I suppose."
Despite these early challenges, Kate expressed gratitude for the support and guidance she received from the Queen, particularly during significant occasions. She highlighted the Queen's caring nature, emphasizing the monarch's attention to ensuring her comfort and well-being during royal engagements.
In addition, Kate shared heartwarming insights into the Queen's bond with Princess Charlotte, noting the Queen's fondness for her granddaughter and the thoughtful gestures she extends to the young royal.
Kate's candid revelations offer a glimpse into the human side of royal life, showcasing her vulnerability and resilience as she navigates the complexities of her role within the royal family.