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Sarah Ferguson's Crucial Role in Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie's 'Royal Promotion'

Sarah Ferguson's Crucial Role in Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie's 'Royal Promotion'

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie are being considered for roles as working royals.

Sarah Ferguson may be instrumental in elevating her daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, within the royal family during these turbulent times.

In an interview with GB News, royal historian Gareth Russell discussed the potential promotion of Fergie and Prince Andrew’s daughters to official working royals.

Amid the backdrop of a ‘slimmed-down monarchy’ under King Charles, exacerbated by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's departure and Kate Middleton's recent cancer diagnosis, the need for more active royals is evident.

"We've seen Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie take on prominent roles at events like Christmas gatherings," Russell noted. "While these occasions are more private, it’s clear that there has been a reconciliation between the Windsors and the former Duchess of York."

Russell emphasized, "I would be surprised if either princess were sidelined due to their father's controversies."

His observations are well-founded; despite her divorce from Andrew over three decades ago, Sarah Ferguson has maintained a strong relationship with the royal family. Though not a working royal, she regularly participates in family events, such as Christmas and Easter.

As the royal family navigates its current challenges, Sarah Ferguson’s support could be key in ensuring Beatrice and Eugenie take on more significant roles within the monarchy.

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