The Prince and Princess of Wales shared another post after Kate's video and letter to the Irish Guards. The Irish Guards received a salute from William and Kate in the new post, captioned: "Well done to @irishguards and everyone involved in preparing for Trooping the Colour at this year’s Colonel’s Review."
King Charles III's birthday parade, popularly known as Trooping the Colour, will take place in London next Saturday (June 15). However, the British Army conducted a rehearsal known as the Colonel's Review this morning (on June 8) without Princess Kate.
Catherine was excited to play a key role in the event but had to pull out as she is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
In her new statement, Kate's poignant line left readers teary-eyed: "I am very sorry that I'm unable to take the salute. I do hope that I'm able to represent you all once again very soon."
Kate's heartfelt admission about her inability to attend the event left her well-wishers and fans worried about her health. One reacted: "Blessings to all, especially the princess, the future queen of England." Another wrote: "Thinking of our wonderful Princess and praying for your full recovery. Prince William, sending you prayers of strength and comfort!"
Other fans hoped Catherine's "recovery is going well."
If Kate appears on Buckingham Palace Balcony, it would be her first public appearance in more than six months. It is also not yet clear whether her children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, will attend without her since Prince William will be on horseback, taking part in the parade.