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Prince Andrew Finally Concedes to King Charles' Decision

Prince Andrew Finally Concedes to King Charles' Decision

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie's father, Prince Andrew, has finally conceded to King Charles.

Prince Andrew, who had been resisting his elder brother King Charles' decision to vacate the Royal Lodge, has now bowed to the monarch’s demands.

The Duke of York has initiated renovations on his opulent 30-room mansion at Windsor, indicating his compliance with the monarch's decision. King Charles reportedly insists that the disgraced royal bear all the renovation expenses himself.

According to Andrew's 75-year lease agreement with the Crown Estate, he is obligated to "repair, renew, uphold, clean and keep in repair and where necessary rebuild" the property.

King Charles has expressed a desire for Andrew to "downsize" to the much smaller Frogmore Cottage, which requires less expensive upkeep. The monarch is no longer willing to fund his brother’s lifestyle, which reportedly includes a £3 million-per-year security bill for the Royal Lodge.

However, Andrew has commenced renovations on his Windsor home to avoid eviction. Despite having no formal income, he is determined to maintain the £30 million property.

Contractors have begun work on the Duke’s property this week, with scaffolding being erected.

In conversations with the Express, contractors mentioned, "The exterior paintwork could only be addressed once the weather improved, a task usually done every five years. Repairs to the roof were completed last summer, and the paintwork and windows will receive attention this year. Andrew is trying to adhere to the terms of his lease."

Should he fail to meet these terms, he could face eviction.

A source indicated that the renovations should be completed within a few months, adding, "Everything is being updated by the end of this summer. The work has been planned for some time, which is why scaffolding and skips have already been set up and work began this week."

The Duke, who stepped back from royal duties following the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, currently resides in the expansive property with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson.

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