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Prince William's Children Share Heartfelt Father’s Day Message with Unseen Photo by Kate Middleton

Prince William's Children Share Heartfelt Father’s Day Message with Unseen Photo by Kate Middleton

Prince William's children celebrated Father’s Day with a touching tribute, featuring an unseen photo taken by their mother, Kate Middleton.

The Wales family's social media, managed by Kensington Palace, shared a heartwarming image of Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 6, alongside their father. The post was captioned, “We love you, Papa. Happy Father’s Day [heart emoji] G, C & L.”

In the photograph, the family of four is seen from behind, gazing at the scenic beach. Prince William is casually dressed in a black hoodie and khaki shorts, while his children are coordinated in shirts and shorts, each in varying shades of blue.

This loving message follows Prince William's tribute to his own father, King Charles. He shared a nostalgic photo from 1986 of them playing football in Kensington Palace Garden.

Former royal butler Grant Harrold recently spoke to Entertainment Daily about the royal family's Father’s Day traditions, which include exchanging cards and gifts, as well as a private lunch to celebrate the day.

Meanwhile, it is noted that Prince Harry might be feeling the absence of his father, King Charles, due to the increasing distance between them.

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